Friday, January 22, 2010

How? Why?

As my journey to the heart of God began, there were two questions that consistently moved me forward. Sometimes the questions drove me five different directions, but regardless, the questions always seemed to draw me intoxicatingly close to Truth. The initial step on this journey began with the simple questions: How & Why?

How does God hear someone as insignificant as me?
How do all my missteps lead back to God?
How do I allow God to build faith that moves mountains in me?
How do I study scripture?
How do I commit my ways to Him?
How do I live out righteousness?
How do I love a man of God?
How do I live a life of purpose?
How was I created?
Why was I created?
Why am I gifted with this particular gift?
Why am I connected to specific people?
Why do I struggle with a particular sin?
Why is my heart burdened for this?

Every “how” & “why” I have about myself has been answered with one simple statement: “My daughter, the answer is found in Me, your Father, Creator, Lord, and Savior. Seek me, and you will find yourself.”

While the questions still draw me ever closer to the Lord, it has been interesting to see that the deeper I am drawn into His love, the more my thoughts have been transformed to seek understanding about how to give this life up for His glory alone.

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